OH MY GIRL Fanfiction Indonesia

Since: 16/02/24

[Teaser] The Elegies of Oh My Girl




Tears are not always the symbol of sadness.

Tell me,

have you ever been in one-sided love?

ignored by those who you loved deeply?

forgotten by those who you cherished the most?

your promises are all broken?

your nice deeds are unappreciated?

everyone keep saying ‘no’ to you?

fails everything you do?

and… left alone?


Then, open your ears widely and open your heart even wider.

Do not uses your logic in understanding their stories.

In the end, it is all about sympathy.


>night’s blabber<

My first-ever series for Oh My Girl!

Sekadar catatan, length ceritanya nanti akan berkisar di antara drabble-ficlet-vignette.

Elegy artinya sad story. Pasti ketebak dong, genre-nya?

Rating-nya masih dalam jalur. The lowest is Teen; the highest is PG-17

Urutan rilisnya age-line. Jadi, tunggu uri candy-leader yang akan menyapa sebentar lagi ^^

Update tiap seminggu atau kurang kalau lagi gabut :v atau lebih kalau mager :v
Author macam apa ini

Kalau pun nanti ada pairing, kuharap nggak akan membuat kalian ogah membaca. None of the events in this fic are real, especially the pairing, so why it should be taken seriously?

Dah, segini aja. Maafin aku yang selalu bawel kalo udah nulis A/N u,u

Selamat menunggu!><

Tinggalkan komentar supaya aku punya alasan untuk meneruskan ^^

Author: yournightskies

ubah niat baik menjadi aksi baik.

10 thoughts on “[Teaser] The Elegies of Oh My Girl

  1. Jangan lama lama atuuuh night~ hahaha
    Aku penasaran sama candy leader ㅋㅋㅋ


  2. Fighting!


  3. jangan lama-lama dong dedek mau nungguin ini rilis eak

    Liked by 1 person

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